The growing popularity of AWS

 So you’ve been wondering about the options that you have when it comes to AWS Migration but don’t know what they are and also don’t have an idea about where to start and how to go about it? Well, this is the right place for you to learn about AWS and AWS Migration. 

Understanding AWS
Amazon Web Services or as we fondly call it AWS, is one of the most popular cloud platforms right now and has over 175 web services that is backed by lots of data centres spread all over the world. With customers ranging from the fastest growing enterprises, large corporations, and government agencies, to medium business owners, everyone is using the AWS platform these days. AWS is a cloud service provided by Amazon, that is easy to use, is customizable and backed by innovation. Everyday moment that passes by, more businesses are opting for the cloud and AWS is the leader in the niche. As there is a lot of data all around, cloud migration is the perfect solution right now. Recent data clearly shows that more than and more data will pass through the cloud and even more people will join the service sooner or later and there are many reasons for that move.

•    Websites and applications have now started getting high volumes of traffic
•    There is efficiency and fast implementation and deployment of applications
•    The current IT asset base is modernized
•    Preparation for future needs
•    Infrastructure costs are lower
•    Business Agility has increased manifold
•    Disaster Recovery is better and efficient
•    Security is unmatched

These are some reasons why there is an increase in data migration to AWS and it will be like that for years to come unless and until a better service comes into play. Till then, it seems nothing can beat the AWS platform.


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